刚才,收到巴基斯坦博士生Usman的邮件,发来了他在长江日报多媒体报上发表的一篇短文。我不知道长江日报还有英文版,也不知道他何时投了稿。Usman是温文尔雅的大学教师,这个学期开学后带着夫人和女儿来到中国。他的女儿刚刚八个月,可爱极了。 Usman 写的文章: A New Year's Party in Wuhan 新年晚会结束后,中国研究生高兴写了一篇短文,上传到工作室网站上。高兴是我校人力资源管理专业的本科生,C类保研。他热情外向,总是笑容满面,令人高兴! 高兴写的文章:工作室召开第五届师生交流会—— 新年晚会 各位朋友评一评:中外研究生PK,谁写得更好? A New Year's party in Wuhan Muhammad Usman Muhammad Usman is currently pursuing his PhD degree in Wuhan university of technology. He's from Pakistan and used to teach at a public sector university in his hometown. During the first week of January 2012, I received an invitation from my caring and compassionate supervisor, Luo Fan, to take part in a get-together and dinner to celebrate the New Year. I went to the hotel where the party was to be held. A charming waitress escorted me to the hall where my supervisor and other students were welcoming the new arrivals. In addition to myself, other international students who were present at the party included Mr. Salahuddin and Mr. Riaz from Bangladesh, Dannial from Ghana, Sidatip from Thailand, and a man from Saudi Arabia. Some of the people at the party, people I didn't know, called me by my Chinese name (Wan Lixing); it was a pleasant surprise. Later on, I came to learn that they had seen my name on the list provided by Luo Fan. Luo Fan had also invited her old students who graduated a few years ago. As this was my first get-together with my Chinese schoolmates, some interesting things occurred. The first and most important thing is that one must be very good at using chopsticks when dining with a Chinese host. You cannot imagine what I went through during the dinner, as I was continuously fighting with my kuaizi (chopsticks). Wishing a prosperous life and good health to each person at the table during the dinner was also something new for me. I followed in the footsteps of others and wished a happy and healthy life to my loving supervisor, Luo Fan. However, my kuaizi were a source of constant tension for me during the whole session. Fortunately, I have, for the most part, overcome this obstacle. After the dinner, two Chinese students announced that if someone wanted to sing a song or say something, they could come forward. Dannial sang an English song, and Riaz presented a song in his native language. I also sang a song in my native language, Pashto. Chinese students also tried to entertain the gathering with their beautiful voices. A melodious song was presented by our dear supervisor, Luo Fan, which still reverberates in my mind sometimes. At the end, all of the students thanked their host and teacher, Luo Fan, for arranging such a nice party and dinner for them. I went back to my dormitory with good memories and with the intention to learn how to eat my meal with chopsticks. 新年晚会 高 兴 2013年1月5日晚,在罗帆教授第五届师生交流会结束后,罗帆老师邀请参加交流会的全体同学共进晚餐。从全国各地赶来赴会的在职MBA学生、外国留学研究生、已毕业的研究生以及在校研究生,在九龙大酒店欢聚一堂,共叙师生情谊。 在欢乐祥和的气氛中,罗老师与大家共同举杯迎接新年的到来,宣布晚宴开始。大家在享受美食的同时,互相分享着自己这些年来的工作和学习经历,畅谈收获和感受,并相互表达新年祝福。 席间,同学们纷纷向罗老师敬酒并送上新年的祝福。罗老师的各级子弟们表示,非常感激罗老师能够建立这样一个交流的平台,让大家相互学习相互交流,并在这样一个平台中认识了更多更优秀的罗门子弟。 晚宴进行期间,主持人高兴、杨小玉分别用汉语和英语做了开场白,宣布每年最隆重的即兴才艺表演开始。 泰国留学生Sitathip为我们献来了第一个节目。熟悉的老朋友丹尼尔,再次为我们送来了歌曲《橄榄树》。研二的学生为大家送来合唱《蓝精灵》。在蓝精灵之后,主持人发现我们优秀的MBA同学穿着蓝色的衣服,就如同歌曲中的蓝精灵。于是,邀请我们的穿蓝色衣服的涂相冰师兄及刘海荣师兄来唱《新年好》。这时,Saud为我们带了阿拉伯语的歌曲。此后,Usman为我们带来了他家乡巴基斯坦的歌曲,Ahmed送来孟加拉民谣。他们都是今年刚刚成为罗老师研究生的国外留学生,但是他们并没有表现出羞涩,而是为我们带来了极具名族风味的歌曲。一阵阵动人的歌曲献上后,研一的代表丰婷同学给大家送来一个笑话。虽然,这个笑话比较冷,大家都没有笑出来,但是大家还是为这个笑话送去了笑声。 泰国留学生Sitathip表演节目 最后,我们大家共同的恩师罗帆老师为我们带来了《难忘今宵》,将我们今天的“歌曲大赛”推向了高潮,今天的师生交流会也圆满结束。 |